Give to PMRC
Every married couple deserves the opportunity to live in love. It is in our nature and it is what God desires for us. For most of us, the Living in Love retreat workshop provided the change of heart that led to the changes in habit that have enabled us to live in love more passionately and more consistently than we ever dreamed possible.
You give the gift of love when you enable someone else to experience Living in Love.
The PMRC is a 501 (C) (3) publicly supported non-profit corporation that depends on the generosity of those who wish to promote strong, sacramental marriages.
Living in Love program fees cover the program materials and expenses incidental to the conduct of the retreat workshop but are not yet sufficient to fund the daily operations of the central office that develops and updates the weekend content, provides quality control of the Living in Love experience, and continues to make the weekend available.
It is and has always been the policy of the PMRC that no one will be turned away from Living in Love because of financial hardship. We are able to provide Scholarships on request because those who have already benefitted from Living in Love have been willing to enable others to do so as well.
If you support the PMRC and its mission and are able to contribute financially at any level, we appreciate your caring and your sacrifice. Donations may be made at any time by checks payable to “PMRC” mailed to PO Box 2304; Southeastern, PA 19399.
If you wish to make a donation using your credit card, please click on the Pay Pal link in the sidebar and follow the online instructions.