Every Day in Love
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A Call To Strengthen Marriage
A new “out of the box” video based marriage enrichment series featuring four upbeat, engaging, and empowering three-hour sessions with state of the art printed material:
• “Smart Loving”
• “The Passionate Couple”
• “Talking with Purpose”
• “Living the Dream”
Each session is packed with practical strategies, everyday skills, liberating insights, and experiential exercises. The perfect date night and ideal adult learning experience based on the popular Living in Love Every Day skills course but with many more engaging, simpler exercises, razor-focused concepts, and no required retreat prerequisite. While the ideal is to make all four sessions, each can stand alone and is open to all.
Topical Content
Session 1: Smart Loving
A proactive common sense approach to inviting more joy into our lives every day. “Smart Loving” offers positive and affirming insights and fun couple exercises to help us love smarter not harder by prioritizing being in love. Gain clarity and freedom from our common “dumb loving” mistakes and fill out a special “gift registry” that will help you discover what makes your husband or wife feel most in love! When we are in love, everything about marriage is easier.
Session 2: The Passionate Couple
“The Passionate Couple” takes your relationship to the next level! This session offers a paradigm shift from just getting along to being passionately in love, not just for our own sake but for the sake of those around us. It offers keen insights that bridge the gap between how men and women prefer to achieve intimacy and empowers us to become spiritual soul mates as a sacramental couple. The key to a passionate marriage is prioritizing relationship and putting the meaning back into both our everyday and our most intimate interactions. It is much easier than you might think.
Session 3: Talking with Purpose
“Talking with Purpose” not only offers simple strategies to help us avoid misunderstanding, it teaches a powerful skill that can achieve an emotional connection under any circumstances. We learn that we can feel close in any situation. Practical approaches to reconciling hurts and freeing ourselves from outside pressures also help us navigate through the inevitable stresses of life. If we are not growing closer, we are growing apart. To keep growing closer, we need different skills for different purposes.
Session 4: Living the Dream
Learn a fool proof process that can help a husband and wife to come together on any issue while still nurturing the tender atmosphere of being in love. This session can help us absolutely avoid ever having an argument and unleashes an aura of deep respect in our marriage. It will also guide us in discerning and directing our lives intentionally and teach us to make couple decisions so that we can live in love the way we always dreamt we would.
Every Day in Love is video based, with authors Ron and Kathy Feher presenting stories from their own life and teaching from a wealth of experience of over 40 years of helping couples of every age to live more passionate and joyful marriages. It can be presented as an out of the box enrichment hosted easily by any parish or group or can be presented by a trained Living in Love presenting couple. The ideal may be a combination of both live presentation and video clips. These powerfully helpful sessions may also be downloaded from our website for individual couples to enjoy at home.
The workbooks include key content and concepts taught on the Living in Love Retreat while providing the couple with an opportunity at each step in the process to decide how they will integrate what they are learning at home into their everyday life.
Every Day in Love is normally held in parish facilities at a time that works best for the couples involved. Some parishes have found that Saturday mornings work well, but there are no restrictions or requirements. We recommend some separation between sessions, nominally a week, but again, whatever works best for the participants is fine.
If experienced as part of a large group presentation, the cost for Every Day in Love is nominally $10 per couple, per session. Online registration is available with payment via Paypal. Some additional cost may be included in the program fee depending on local amenities. Each participant will receive a personal workbook for each session and take home reminder gifts for the simple life skills that can nurture the atmosphere of being “in love” amid the stresses of ordinary life.
If experienced individually or as a single couple, program materials and access to video streaming or program DVD’s can be obtained through this website. See “Ordering Materials” below.
Couples normally arrange their own childcare with family or friends, but breast fed babies are always welcome for Every Day in Love. It is a significant advantage if babysitting can be available or arranged.
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Ordering Materials
Available materials include presentation DVD’s or Video Streaming access, Participant Workbooks, and publicity Brochures.
DVD’s, Workbooks, and Brochures
Click here to order DVD’s, Workbooks, or Brochures
Video Streaming Access
Video Steaming access can be purchased as a four session package or by individual sessions. The Lenten discount for 2018 is no longer available.
Click here to order All Four Sessions of Every Day in Love
Click here to order only Session 1: Smart Loving
Click here to order only Session 2: The Passionate Couple
Click here to order only Session 3: Talking with Purpose
Click here to order only Session 4: Living the Dream
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Advertising and Promotion
The following resources may be downloaded and edited for parish use. They provide a structured and effective approach that make it easy to introduce Every Day in Love at the parish or diocesan level. They are intended as helpful resources and do not suggest that it has to be done this way. The PMRC can assist in editing the Flyer for your specific parish.
For discussion of best practices and to benefit from the experience of other parishes, contact Brad and Libby Dupont in the Office of Family Life, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Advertising Plan
Bulletin Blurbs
Sample Flyer or bulletin insert (Pdf)
Parish Registration Form
Sample Poster (Pdf)
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A Call to Strengthen Marriage
Listen to a broadcast of “The Shepard’s Voice,” a weekly radio program of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas with Archbishop Joseph Naumann and Every Day in Love authors Ron and Kathy Feher discussing initiatives to strengthen marriages and providing an overview of Every Day in Love.
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